In Memory

Loved her smile :)

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. Three years ago today Wendy Pierce, Briana's other grandmother, lost her battle to cancer. To know Wendy was to love her. At her service there was standing room only, a tribute to her life and how she lived it. She liked everyone and everyone liked her. And on that day it really changed me, I took a look at myself and realized I needed to be more like her, and so I was blessed to have had her in my life, she made me want to be a better person, less judgmental of those around me. She believed in Angels like me and had them all over her house. She was also a survivor. She had cancer in her 40's and had to have Whipple surgery. Most people don't live after the surgery. She lived 5 yrs after that. Words can never express what it meant to have her there at Dana and Christa's Wedding, To dance that dance with her son. She adored Christa as much as I adore Dana. We had some happy times together in those few years. When Christa and Dana were expecting Briana, Wendy and I were so happy about having a beautiful grandchild together. I was looking forward to the both us spending time together with Bri. Then the cancer came back. She was on her death bed when Christa was due. As the end of her battle drew closer, Christa asked her Doctor is she could be induced a couple of days early so that Wendy could meet her granddaughter that she was so looking forward to having. The Doctor was good enough to do that. And when we called her to tell her that Briana was born she wanted to rush up to the hospital, even on her death bed, that is what an amazing, selfless person she was. Her and Briana spent 24 hours together as they laid in bed together. Wendy knew she was there and said "good job" to Christa and Dana. When I went to say goodbye to Wendy I put an Angel stone in her hand and I told her I would give it to Briana when she was older so she knows to call on you when she is in need of guidance and protection. She had it with her until she passed. One summer too it was funny, all of a sudden Briana started pointing at the Angel statues that Christa and Dana took from Wendy's house and put in their garden, she kept saying Mimi to draw my attention to them. So I took that as a sign from Wendy letting me know she is her guardian Angel and that she is watching over her. Briana does know her and every night she kisses her picture. Her legacy to me is her beautiful children, to know them is to love them too. How we all miss you so much Wendy, but we feel your spirit around us. This is the song she picked to be played at her funeral, so true to her spirit.
Thank you for reading this special post,
Love ya,
Janet :)

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