Reader Question: HELP! How Do I Find Out My Skin Type?

"I read your post yesterday about not using Olive Oil on skin that has acne flareups and I think this is me. I used Olive Oil and I broke out all over my face and I'm afraid I don't know what my skin-type is. Please help! thx"
This is a very common issue for those that oil cleanse. I want to stress this to everyone reading this post, it is imperative that you choose the right oil for your skin type. Using an oil that is too heavy for your skin could lead to additional breakouts as well as blackheads. While using an oil that is too light can have the same results as well. This is one of the most common mistakes people make when attempting the oil cleansing method.

In this post, we will cover the different skin types as well as the oils that are best suited for your type. Please note that the recommended oils listed are for your secondary oils only. The main oil should be Castor Oil as this acts as your cleansing oil.If you have any additional questions, please leave them in the comments so that I can address them. Read on for the deets:

How do I know if I have oily skin?
  • Your skin is blemish prone [acne - whiteheads - blackheads]
  • Your skin is shiny due to excessive oil production
  • You have enlarged pores on your cheeks and chin area
How do I know If I have Normal skin?
  • You experience little to no breakouts
  • Your face is hydrated and smooth
  • Your pores are not visible
  • You have an even, bright complexion
How do I know if I have sensitive skin?
  • You experience burning or peeling with lots of products
  • Your skin is very thin or delicate
  • Your skin is prone to allergic reactions
  • Your cheeks "flush" easily
How do I know if I have dry skin?
  • Your skin appears ashy or dull [especially in women of color]
  • You have wrinkles around the eye or mouth area
  • Your pores are barely visible
  • Your cheeks are flaky at times
  • Your skin feels tight
How do I know if I have combination skin?
  • You have large pores on your cheeks or chin
  • You have acne on your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin [known as your T-zone]
  • Your T-zone produces more oil than the rest of your face
  • Your cheeks are drier than the rest of your skin
Now that you've picked your skin-type, it's time to choose the proper oils for your skin-type:

Combination Skin:
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Hazelnut Oil
Sensitive Skin:
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Borage Seed
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Rosehip Oil
  • Apricot Kernal Oil
Oily Skin:
  • Hazelnut Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Jojoba
  • Apricot Kernal Oil
Dry Skin:
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Borage Seed
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Kukui Oil
Normal Skin:
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Kukui Oil 

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