Music Monday

Hello Everyone, How are you? On this Music Monday I had planned on adding a song by John Lennon to pay tribute to his legacy and life. I came across this video of the song Love. I don't remember this song, I was so happy to find it. It moved me to tears, how beautiful their love was. And it reminds me of mine & Pete's love for each other. I saw in an interview recently of Yoko that today it is still difficult for her to deal with his death, how could it not. To see the love of your life, a man of peace, killed in such a violent way. She said what was difficult for her too is that he was killed in the place he loved the most, a place he thought he could be free. Imagine was my class song and I still get goosebumps every time I hear it, so I had to add it :) So today I chose to view his life, although short in years, as an amazing one. How the world was blessed with his music, music that could make you look at yourself and the world around you. Music that could move you to tears and lift you up. Most important of all, music that spoke of peace and love, who could ask anything more from a musician? With John nobody had to ask, his spirit was one with all of us. And if I could talk to him today I would say "Thank you John for all of your inspiration that lives on today".
Thank you for visiting my blog,
Love ya,
Janet :)

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