Without Passion Man Is A Mere Latent Force And Possibility, Like The Flint Which Awaits The Shock Of The Iron Before It Can Give Forth Its Spark - Henri Frederic Amiel

How much intensity can you put towards life if there is no passion behind it?

If you asked me ten years ago what I wanted to do with my life; I wouldn't be able to express my passion with much conviction. Yes there were things I loved to do, yes I had interests, but I could never see those things as my passion or calling. These days we are looking for instant gratification anywhere we can get it. We want our food cooked in less than 30 minutes, we want to lose weight as fast as possible, and we want an answer to our existence immediately; which often leads to us settling for less than we deserve because we just don't want to "be". 

Taking the time to let the universe organically steer you towards your passion would mean you would have to let go of "titles". Often we live, date, marry and die by our title. Saying you're an aspiring actress, student, writer, or model sounds better than "I'm still figuring it out" to most people. So we live in a state of keeping up appearances, and seeking instant gratification instead of staying true to ourselves. 
One day I woke up and decided I was tired of faking myself out. I had to ask myself if being a Psychiatrist [I was a psych major] was a passion of mine, or if I succumbed to my own fear that I wouldn't amount to anything if I hadn't figured out my life by a certain age. Who determines the age threshold for having it all figured out anyway? - That fateful day I decided I wanted to do something with my life that ignited a fire from within, versus a job that gave "great pay and good benefits". I didn't care if it didn't have a fancy title, didn't care if it didn't pay 6 figures and most importantly, I didn't care what others thought. It was on that day that I understood that passion is the driving force for longevity. 
Passion will ensure that your path towards living your dream remains illuminated even in times of adversity and self-doubt. 
The next few weeks I will dedicate a series of posts geared towards finding and claiming your passion. Get your notebooks and pens ready and lets all take this journey together. - Before we begin however, there are a few things you must let go of in order to dig deep inside yourself and be ok with what you discover. 
You will first need to let go of your attachment to time. Worrying about when you have your epiphany will only cause anxiety and may force you to act out of desperation if you feel "time is running out". Instead, believe that the time you spend during this introspective period is an important part of personal growth and you will be rewarded with a solid mind and indispensable tools like patience, diligence and perseverance.

Be passionate about what makes you happy, not the amount of zeros on your check stub. For this you will need to let go of thinking a certain dollar amount will buy you happiness. What this means is that you should pursue your passion based on how fulfilling it is, not based on the salary or perks. Do not block your blessings by placing unnecessary restrictions on what you will or will not do. The power of passion coupled with positive thoughts and most importantly action, will cause a paradigm shift in your life. This means that if you're intentions are true and your mind is focused, the universe will supply you with everything you need in abundance. Walk in faith, and trust the most high on this one.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let go of your ego. So your friends are all college graduates, your brother is in grad school, and your boyfriend just passed the bar. Your ego may want you to keep up. Your ego doesn't want to be left behind. Your ego wants bragging rights too. Understand that those are their paths and yours may be uniquely different. Never follow someone else's blueprint as each person has their own purpose in life. Allow yourself to detach from the opinions of others while you take the journey through self exploration. 

I found these beautiful images on weheartit - I picked them for the post to show just how beautiful different paths can be. Each path is uniquely different yet beautiful in it's own right like you and me.

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