This Is It

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I copied this movie for anyone who cannot afford it or are not able to get it where you are. But for some reason I am having trouble sharing it. I will keep working on that, so check back. It is so amazing I can't stop watching it. If this tour had gone on I truly believe he would have had his second chance and we all would have fallen in love with him again like we did when he was five years old. Speaking of falling in love again, thanks Pete for being so understanding and loving of me this weekend. Even when I fall from grace you pick me back up. I love and want you more now than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. Your what a real man is all about and then some. I hope you take the time to watch this movie, you will be moved by his beautiful soul nonstop during this concert. You do not need 3D glasses to watch it. His children will be accepting his Grammy tonight, so get your tissues out!!! Geena told me about this website, it also has some really funny stuff, enjoy:)

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Take Care,

Janet :)

To Much Fun


Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. I am having too much fun working at Target between my co workers and the public. The other day we had a lady flip out on us because we would not give her money back for a play station game that was opened and not damaged as she said it was. So this prim and proper lady who looks like she just the hairdressers yelled out "YOU SUCK", and then slammed our carriage into our one spot, we could not help but laugh our asses off after the shock of it!! I think someone forgot to take their medication. Evan who is a big teddy bear and works at our Starbucks section always makes up these huge sample trays for all of us to drink. We all have at least 3 or 4, the next thing I know I am feeling like I am back in High School and have popped a couple of black beauties, or did a couple of lines LOL! Yes the eighties were good to me:) The next thing I know me and Geena are talking a mile a minute, she could not stop bouncing a ball that was returned. Then Deb from clothing next door walks by and says she had 7 samples, so at this point the whole front end is buzzing and I love it. Target just starting selling bathing suits so I noticed lately that a lot of women are returning them and one of them said you need to get them now because all the good ones will be gone. So tonight I decided I better snag some for my vacation this year. I never thought as a Grandmother I would be able to buy a two piece bathing suit even though you only need one piece in Aruba LOL!, but now that I am down to a size 8/10 from a 14 it feels good, maybe I should get a belly piercing and a tattoo! Just kidding, I am not that brave. One thing about the Droid I am finding out is that it's battery keeps dying on me. As much as I charge it. Maybe it is not the Droid but maybe the battery I have. The picture I put in this post is blurry but it shows me laughing which is what this post is all about and I don't like to post without a picture. Anyway I hope you get to have the same fun where you work, always take the time to find the fun in every situation,
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

Tips & Tricks for Hassle Free Styling

[source: Shake It Sheila

I have had my share of hair styles that never saw the light of day, they are usually hidden under a hat, or pulled back into a makeshift bun. These mishaps usually happen when I try a new product, fail to detangle properly, or skip adding condish to my hair [really bad move]. For those of you who haven't seen my hair vids, here's a short [yet useful list] of little tips and tricks I have learned along the way!

  • For styles that are free-flowing such as braid outs or twist outs, I like to use minimal amounts of products that are lightweight. This makes for fluffier, shiner, hair with lots of body. Now you can use a combination of products, however use them sparingly, and choose them wisely. Too much product can yield "dull" hair appears weighed down, and lacks movement. 
  • Get the hair uber CLEAN before styling, whether you use bentonite clay, sulfate shampoo, herbs, or baking soda, make sure the hair is free from residue before styling. Your hair will be shinier, and have more body if you start with a clean palate.  
  • Detangle hair only while loaded with conditioner. I usually condition for about 15 minutes to let the moisturizing properties penetrate my strands, THEN detangle, and finally sit back under my dryer for another 15 minutes. 
  • Make sure hair is detangled and conditioned thoroughly prior to styling. Also if you are braiding or twisting your hair, do so with caution; split ends galore surely awaits you if you aren't careful [believe me, I have been there and it 'aint pretty]. 
  • If you have tangle-prone hair, try shampooing and conditioning while in (4) fat braids or twists. This has helped me out IMMENSELY, and I know it has played a major role in length retention. Less hair lost and split while detangling = more retention. 
  • When you are shampooing your hair, use your fingertips not your nails to gently cleanse your scalp. 
  • Don't overdo it on the shampoo [because of the potential drying effects sulfates], keep in mind that some professional products do not produce a lot of lather. Try getting into the habit of using dime sized portions or less for each round of shampoo. Not only will you benefit by using less shampoo, you can also save your tresses from sulfate overload. 
  • If you have hard water like I do, it may be necessary to add an additional step to your regimen like an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse [do this after rinsing out your conditioner]. This gently gets rid of minerals and deposits left behind from your water. Other bonuses include restoring the PH balance of your hair, adding sheen, and sealing the cuticle which aids in tangle free styling.

I Heart Esperanza Spalding

I absolutely adore Esperanza Spalding! Her hair is a mass of lush, curly goodness, and her voice goes down smooth no chaser. Esperanza gives me Billy Holiday with an Afro-Cuban vibe, check out her videos below!


How ironic that a few hours after I did this post, I ran across this photo and quote from Erykah Badu.

“I know that I want to concentrate more on my inside-pretty than my outside-pretty, because that’s gonna go away But if your inside is beautiful, it never wears away. The light always shows on the outside if you are striving to be good inside.” — Erykah Badu 

The Woman Who Follows The Crowd Will Usually Go No Further Than The Crowd. The Woman Who Walks Alone Is Likely To Find Herself In Places She Has Never Been Before - Albert Einstein

I remember in the beginning of my hair journey I played it safe. My braid outs & twist outs needed to be neat, super defined, and most importantly they needed to be tamed. I was honestly afraid of what people would think of me, and didn't want to "scare" a lot of my ultra conservative friends. That surely isn't living for me, and I most certainly can't appreciate ME in all of my glory if I am constantly worrying about what others think. Not only was the decision to go "natural" a result of me wanting healthy hair, but it was also directly related to wanting complete and total perfect peace. I wanted to cease all feelings of insecurity, and be completely happy with myself as-is.

The more I started to accept WHO I was, the more liberated and free I became. Being liberated breeds happiness, it means an extinction of suffering, and desire, and replaces those feelings with that of contentment. I am no longer concerned with how people view me, you see I was created perfect as is. Those silly mores of beauty, and sex appeal mean nothing to me, as I was equipped with everything I could ever need at birth.

I love looking through inspiration pics of women who exude confidence, inner beauty and strength, and wanted to share those with you today.

I Loved It.. So I Put a Ring On It [My Dermalogica Review]

[source: Black Fashion]

I wanted to wait until I really knew it was a perfect union before running through the halls proclaiming my love for Dermalogica. With most of my facial products, the honeymoon is over in a few weeks, however Dermalogica knows how to keep a girl happy.

I have excessively oily acne prone skin, and I really didn't want to be that girl who carries around a hankey to wipe her face down a 'la Al Sharpton, so I figured a trip to Ulta was imminent. Amongst the rows of facial cleansers, and moisturizers all promising clearer, youthful skin, I moseyed on over to the tiny isle of moderate to high-end skin care products tucked away in the back of the store. This time, I wasn't interested in price so much, as I figured I have wasted hundreds on products chalked full of crap that made my skin worse than it was before applying the product.

I had some sort of direction though, I knew I wanted a no frills kit that had everything I needed to keep my skin looking it's best. I stumbled across the MediBac Adult Acne Clearing Kit by Dermologica ($40.00 - Ulta), in which most of the products were geared towards people who have oily skin. Not only was that a plus, but I love buying kits that include trial sizes to help determine which products I keep or shelve. It helps to not have the commitment of 8oz bottles staring you in your face should it be a disaster.

Here are the claims & instructions from the website:

Use morning and night, or as directed by your Dermalogica Professional Skin Therapist, for around-the-clock treatment of adult acne and healthy, consistently clear skin.
Begin with Clearing Skin Wash, a non-irritating cleanser that washes away excess surface oils, helps clear congested follicles and calms inflammation. Lather in wet hands and massage in circular motions over face and throat, avoiding eye area. Rinse with warm water. Next, apply Clearing Mattifier to help smooth skin texture, diminish the appearance of fine lines, clear congestion and control shine. Apply a thin layer to areas prone to excess oil production and breakouts, such as in the T-zone. Follow with Oil Control Lotion, a hydrating, feather-light oil-free moisturizer containing microsponges to reduce oily shine for an all-day matte finish. Apply with light, upward strokes to areas where Clearing Mattifier was not used. At night after cleansing, apply a thin layer of Overnight Clearing Gel to help slough off pore-clogging skin cells, promote skin clarity and aid skin clearing. To treat breakouts during the day, apply Concealing Spot Treatment, a naturally-tinted, intense spot treatment containing concentrated Sulfur that quickly dries breakouts. Two to three times per week apply a smooth layer of Sebum Clearing Masque after cleansing. This cooling, deep-cleaning clay masque purifies and absorbs excess surface oil. Use over entire face and throat or exclusively in the T-zone, avoiding eye area. Remove after 10 minutes with warm water.
The Kit Includes:
  • Clearing Skin Wash 1.7 FL OZ / 50 ml       
  • Clearing Mattifier 0.50 FL OZ / 15 ml  
  • Overnight Clearing Gel 0.50 FL OZ / 15 ml
  • Concealing Spot Treatment 0.10 FL OZ / 3 ml
  • Sebum Clearing Masque 0.75 FL OZ / 22 ml
  • Oil Control Lotion (sample)
The verdict? I loved the Clearing Skin Wash so much, I purchased the larger size this past weekend. Because most of the products I use on my hair are filled with oils, they tend to cause breakouts if I am not super careful. With this cleanser, I can breathe much easier.
The Oil Control Lotion felt great, but it isn't better than the Cetaphil moisturizer I love. Both moisturize equally well, however the Oil Control absorbs a tad better. - Even still, I am not gonna repurchase that.

Overnight Clearing Gel & Clearing Mattifier are two products I will repurchase and use in conjunction with my Ayurvedic skin care regimen. These helped keep my skin matte, smooth, dewy, and blemish free. I also appreciate that while they work incredibly well, my face wasn't tight and peeling from the aftermath of the treatment. I tend to favor beauty without pain.

The Sebum Clearing Masque worked well, but I can swap that out with my Neem & Bentonite Facial for less than half the price. Negative on the repurchase.

The Concealing Spot Treatment could have been left out of the equation, I think it is formulated for use on much lighter skin as it appears to have some light color to it. I tried it and had little white/gray areas all over my face, even after spending a significant amount of time trying to blend it in.

If I had to recommend ONE product from them, it would be the facial wash hands down!! With the Clearing Mattifier coming in a close second!

If you are like me and your hair products tend to cause breakouts, try these little tips;
  • Change pillowcases every 3 days
  • If you wear a scarf to bed, make sure you also change/wash it every 3 days as well
  • Do your hair before you start your daily skin regimen, this way you can remove excess oils left behind from your products

Because of You My Friends

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. I came across this song I love from Janet Jackson when I was updating my videos. It made me think (I know not again, but it is one of many of my bad habits!!) of each and everyone that has crossed my path even if it was a short time or for the long haul be it the Internet or in my life. So in the spirit of love and friendship I made this video for all of you. Thanks to Facebook I have been able to reconnect with my friends from elementary to high school. Last night at work I did a return and it was one of my best girlfriends growing up, so we are going to get together again. It's amazing to me that you get what you need at different times in your life, there must be a higher power. I am so glad I starting blogging because now I have friends all around the world. I have such gratitude to all of you for your support over the past two years. With every visit, comment, and laugh together you enrich my life and make my day in ways I can never find the words to truly express what I feel. Your encouragement has helped me to keep on writing and open up in ways I have never knew I could, especially being raised a good ol' Catholic girl LOL! If I could I would hop on a plane and give you all a big hug and kiss. Know that once your in my heart forever you will stay there. Henry aka Soulmerlin you have been my biggest supporter with your comments and a widget of my blog on yours. Maybe someday me, you and Robin can watch the summer solstice together. Know that with every visit to your blogs you inspire me. Kimmy you have brought so much light in my life. Bing you have as well. Robin you write so beautifully and I love to hear your laughter. Donna your friendship helped carry me through the toughest time in my life when we worked together, and I love you for that. I can say this about each and everyone of you out there but I would have to write for days. These are just a few examples of how you have made me happier today than I have ever been. I am more comfortable with myself and It feels "Very Good"! It is so freeing to be yourself and not give a shit what others think LOL! I have to do counseling once a month in order to get my medication for my anxiety but my counselor considers me now a success story because she knows my life's story. So when I go we just shoot the breeze and she helps me with getting back to school and is trying to get me on the board at the local NAMI. I truly want to advocate for the mentally ill for the rest of my life because of my love for my mother. So even though she helps me, your friendship therapy has helped me even more and you have made her job a lot easier!! So it is because of you that I walk with more of a spring in my step and notice that the sun is shining a little brighter, so Thank you, Thank you:). I wish I shared Janet's looks along with her name, she has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen, don't you think? Speaking of the Jackson's don't forget to go to your local Target and get your free 3D glasses for the Grammy's this Sunday, I can't wait to watch it. They will be showing Michael Jackson's This Is It movie clips. I saw the movie with Christa and it was amazing. This tour would have been one of his greatest by far. You also get to see the side of him that the media never shared. What a loving soul he was. If you are around my age the song Ben has some sort of special meaning to you. When he sang it in the movie I lost it!! Then he dedicates it to some people which made me lose it a little more LOL! I woke up this morning to news about my Toyota that now has me a little more nervous but I know my my guardian angels are with me. I am thinking of maybe leasing another car which stinks because I love my Rav :( I was so excited when I read my email last night. The Dave Matthew's Band announced their summer tour dates. They will be coming to Mansfield this June and it is a great place to see them according to my sister, every one tailgates and like I have said before it is like being in a Woodstock atmosphere. If you want to have some fun for yourself this summer, get a ticket! If you need more time to read the inspirational sayings, simply click pause. Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

Revamp Your Hair Staples for Winter

[source: Color My Soul]

It has been a major struggle trying to figure out what my hair likes during the winter, as a lot of my spring/summer hair staples lose their mojo during the frigid winter months [60 in Cali is frigid to me].

After much trial and error, I have come to rely on a few products that pack enough moisture to keep my hair shiny, soft, and to keep me from having to carry around flame retardant due to the nature of my once hazardous flammable hair. This past weekend, I had to shelve my beloved Sebastian Potion Number 9 Leave-In Conditioner because as it cold colder, it just didn't do the trick like it used to; the same for my Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner [I wonder if they can make a winter version].

I decided to play the martyr and experiment with new leave-in's and hair products this week. Getting a decent leave-in was my number one priority, as a leave-in on my hair is necessary at all times to keep it at it's optimum moisture level. My condish of choice was Paul Mitchell The Conditioner; I spotted it at Ulta and it was only $3.95 so I went in for the kill.

Product review videos on a few different winter-friendly [aka won't leave your hair feeling like tumbleweed] conditioners are on the way, but let me say how much I LOVE Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner. It left my hair soft, shiny, and felt moisturized days after use, the fact that it is easily accessible and cheap is also a plus. Here are some other products I have experimented with that specialize in results:
  • Lanza Leave-In Conditioner [When I have the mullah for this, I splurge]
  • Lanza Leave-In Protector - [I would recommend this to people who have relaxers, or damaged hair due to thermal or chemical styling] 
  •  Paul Mitchell The Conditioner [A Leave-In]
  • Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment
  • Dudley's Hair Mask
  • Dudley's Hair Rebuilder
  • Oyin's Handmade Whipped Pudding - Moisturizer/Styler
  • Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Butter Cream - Moisturizer/Styler
  • Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy Cream - Moisturizer/Styler
  • Drink PLENTY of water
  • BUY A HUMIDIFIER if you can :-) I am going to pick one up this weekend; I have a friend who swears by them for both her hair and skin during winter months
Before using any new leave-in/styler, here are a few suggestions:
  • Clarify the hair to remove it of any buildup from previous products (You can use a clarifying Shampoo like Neutrogena Ant-Residue Shampoo, or you can add baking soda to your regular shampoo)
  • Use an acidic rinse [Apple Cider Vinegar] after rinsing out conditioner - This will help your hair's chances of being able to absorb all the moisture it can. Acidic Rinses do this by sealing the cuticle which temporarily lends a helping hand with porosity issues.  

You were born an original, don't die a copy - John Mason

A lot of my subscribers want to know a bit more about the "history" of my hair. So I decided to put together this video in hopes that it will answer a lot of the questions some of you may have!


Are you natural? - Yes I am 100% natural, I had a relaxer umpteen years ago (10 maybe?) and I hated it. It completely changed my texture so I never got another one. Although I didn't officially "big chop", most of my hair fell out from weaves and heat abuse [I was an animal]. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't completely bald, but it was horrific, think fuzzy newborn baby bird. Yeah, that was me.

When did you start your hair journey? - I have been an avid lhcf lurker since August 2008, but I didn't start applying these concepts until December of 2008 [I needed a few more months for rewiring].

How long is your hair, and what is your hair-type? - My hair is bra-strap length. And although I don't care too much for hair-typing anymore, for all intensive purposes I am a 3/C-4/A

Passion Fruit

Who said black wasn't beautiful?? - I absolutely adore the work of Brianna Mccarthy! I stumbled across her site a few days ago, and I would love to have her create a couple of custom pieces for me. I love the various textures of hair, and variation of skin color depicted in Brianna's work [the artist has some pretty fierce hair too]. You can see more of her art here!


Twist Out Tutorial

Here are some after shots of my hair!

I maintain this style throughout the week by sleeping in a large satin bonnet. Some nights I re-twist it, and some nights I don't, it depends on what areas need it and how wild I want it to be. My twist outs usually last about a week.

The Best Kid Ever

Hi Everyone, I hope your doing well I am doing good. Except for the fact the Colts made it to the Superbowl and not the Vikings!!! Tiger is now up to #19 and counting, as his girlfriend said he is more a pig than a tiger!! Sex Rehab, let's get real and call it what it really is, Asshole Rehab!! Now that the Christmas season is over I have more of a set schedule and I usually have Sunday's and Monday's off. The past two days have been so fun because Briana was here. Her Dad had to fix his car in my garage. But I got to tell ya by the end of the second day I was ready for her to go home not because she was a bother, but I just couldn't take laughing anymore, between this picture and her pants on the ground performance we were in stitches and my stomach feels like I have been doing sit ups. Some of the fun of being a grandparent is watching your kid go through what you went through raising them. But I don't get that too often with Briana. Christa and Dana have lucked out when it comes to a well behaved child. Before she was two she would just start doing things on her own. One day she decided to start bringing her plate up to the sink after she finished easting. I still can't get my 16 yr old to do that. She puts on her own shoes, gets her coat, she does anything just about that you ask her to do. Recently she has started dressing herself and wanted to change her own diaper! We always play games and they are always fun, trust me teaching a kid it's mine can be a bad thing but she is nothing like that when it comes to sharing. Every time she gets a cracker for herself she gets one for the rest of us, she is always thoughtful of others and shy around people she does not see often like Scotty. After you watch these videos you will see she has a great sense of humor. She had to wear that shirt out of my laundry basket after she spilt juice on hers I was able to tie it in the back. Then she decided to imitate me after she heard me using the voice search on Google for Dolly's Daily Diary while wearing my glasses and using my Droid. This is now my wallpaper on my Droid and Computer:) She is like this on a daily basis too. Over the past two years when I needed it the most, she has breathed new life into my broken heart. The Google Droid as the kids at work say "is sick and they hate me" LOL!. I got two of them for $30 dollars with my upgrade after rebate. If your eligible for an upgrade I highly recommend getting one of these. I got the 79 dollar one and it does what the 200 dollar one does just as well. And now I can take these videos and do so much more with my cell phone. I have a 2009 Toyota Rav and it just got recalled because the accelerator has been known to stick. Mine has hesitated sometimes but never stuck and I know what to do if it happens, you just whip it in neutral. What upsets me is I let Christa and Briana drive it around while I was away because her car was having problems. Thank God nothing happened while they were driving, if something had you would have to just shoot me and dig a hole and bury me upside down so the world could kiss my ass goodbye!! On Tuesday nights they have started Entourage from the beginning, it is a great HBO series if your looking for something new to watch. It is all about the dirt that goes on behind Hollywood and don't we all love dirt. Once you start watching it you don't want to stop, sort of like the Soprano's.

Thanks for visiting my blog,

Take Care,

Janet :)

She Chose Ruby over me :(

Coffee time with Bri :)

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. - Eudora Welty

[Cool light fixture @Ikea]

This weekend my mom came down to the valley to hit the coveted Santa Monica Farmer's Market. So I decided to meet up with her afterward for some mommy and me time :-) Here is my Saturday in pictures;
[Rattan Balls also @Ikea]

I went looking for new digs this weekend, and I came across this place. It's a tad too pricey and the amenities were eh, so-so. The building was cool though.
Next stop; Soi.7 [Downtown L.A]

I loved the decor

Fully stocked Sake bar. YUM

Pineapple Fried Rice!

Beef Pad Thai

Since we were downtown, we went to one of my favorite places to hide out; The Los Angeles Central Library

The 4th floor of the library

Nothing like old books!

My favorite section!! I am fascinated with Roman & Etruscan antiquities

Of course we had to do SOMETHING hair related! We decided to swing by Ulta after leaving the library.

You know I couldn't leave empty handed!! That Paul Mitchell is a MUST-HAVE as a winter leave-in. My hair feels like butter, and it's super shiny too. I got the 3.4oz size for about $3.95, not bad eh?

The Keracare Shampoo & FF Glossing Cream are staples around these parts, and a review on the Dermologica is coming soon!

New Tutorial This Week

[twist out from this weekend]

So my hair finally decided to come back to it's senses this weekend! To commemorate this momentous occasion, I decided to do a YouTube tutorial (Twist Out). Apparently YouTube doesn't like videos over 10 minutes, so I need to edit it a bit more before uploading.  I should have it up in the next day or so!

All Hope is Lost

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, Stories on the news don't often make my cry, but when I got home from work last night I heard all hope was lost for these twelve students. I couldn't help but shed tears. As I wrote in my daughters yearbook, two of the greatest gifts you can give your children are "roots and wings." And as a Parent when you get the courage to give them their wings you pray that they are never broken. Britney reminds me of my daughter. I can't imagine the parent's pain. They had so much ahead of them, so much to live for. God bless them for having the compassion to care for the people of Haiti. I am sure they have been given wings that are more beautiful than we could ever imagine. May they rest in peace knowing their short life was not in vain because they made a difference in the lives of people who were in need. They probably did more for humanity in their lives than any of us will do. I am going to make a donation in memory of them. I included a link for anyone who might want to buy the Hope for Haiti music from last night. Great songs for a great cause.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)


L to R: (front row - sitting) Paul Tyska, Lindsay Doran, Nikki Fantauzzi, Richard Bruno, Christine Gianacaci, Daniela Montealegre, Britney Gengel, Stephanie Crispinelli (back row - standing) Patrick Hartwick, Michael DeMatteo, Courtney Hayes, Julie Prudhomme, Thomas Schloemer and Melissa Elliott.

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